Frequently asked questions

Do I need a prescription before I make an appointment?

No, you don’t! Per California law, you can see a physical therapist for up to 12 visits or 45 days before needing a doctor’s prescription. You can get started with PT now!

I’m pregnant, when do I start pelvic PT?

We typically recommend to establish care in the first or early second trimester to take baseline measurements and create an individualized plan for you. If you don’t have any back or pelvic pain, bladder, bowel, or sexual symptoms, we will continue to check in throughout your pregnancy, and towards the end of your pregnancy, we recommend additional visits to prepare for birth, including perineal prep, labor positions, optional partner training, pushing strategies, biofeedback, and manual physical therapy to optimize pelvic mobility for birthing.

I just had a baby, when should I see a pelvic floor therapist?

If you have a clogged duct, please reach out immediately so it doesn’t turn into mastitis. For pelvic appointments, we want mom to be feeling good enough to get in the car and drive herself to the appointment, which is usually around 4-6 weeks.

Can I bring my children to the appointment?

Of course! We are a baby and kid-friendly clinic, and you are welcome to bring your child or children with you if needed. Keep in mind that if you do have childcare available, it may be a nice respite for you to come without them.

Do I need to have pelvic symptoms to make an appointment?

No. Whether you are experiencing mild- severe pelvic symptoms currently or in the past, or simply want to connect more deeply with your body, pelvis, or root, pelvic physical therapy is essential for pelvic vitality. People benefit from receiving wellness visits to optimize core, bladder/bowel/sexual function, and connection.